我们的产品使拥有复杂农业供应链的组织能够在农场层面产生透明且有意义的影响。它们使各种规模的组织能够通过为农民提供实施所需的经济支持来促进负责任和可持续的农业实践。通过利用我们的产品,您可以巩固您作为所在行业 ESG 领导者的地位,并向客户展示您的承诺和价值观。

通过我们与网络中农民的信任和长期关系,我们可以为您提供详细信息,以提高您的影响的透明度并支持您的 ESG 沟通工作。此外,我们可以确保您所产生的影响与区域相关,并根据您的需求、挑战以及合作伙伴农民的独特文化进行优化。

Define your impact

Partner with dedicated environmental experts
By partnering with leading industry bodies you can make an economic impact at farms that produce a wide variety of commodities, like sustainable soy, sugar, and palm oil, in various regions worldwide.
The close relationship we have with our partners and network of farmers ensures you can access operational details about the farms and the initiatives you support, as well as see the direct impact of your contributions.

Communicate your ESG efforts
Effectively tell the story of your ESG contributions to customers and stakeholders with impact reports. With every purchase you’ll receive a comprehensive report that highlights precisely what action has been taken on the farms you invested in.
Tailor your impact
Through our regenerative agriculture and sustainability expertise, we ensure our tailor-made projects meet your organization’s unique needs and that the impact you make is tangible, transparent, and meaningful. Our dedicated agricultural commodity strategists can help you navigate complex global markets, including trends, policies, products, and sourcing tools to ensure you reach your sustainability goals, no matter how ambitious.
Find your agricultural sourcing solutions today
Contact our agricultural sourcing experts to discuss your unique ambitions and get a tailor-made solution to reach them.